FERNISERING LØRDAG 24. nov kl. 11-17

Menno Aden (DE), Inna Artemova (RU), Konstantin Déry (HU), Grigori Dor (RU), Lennart Grau (DE), Anne Langgaard (DK), Enda O’Donoghue (IRL), Michael H. Rohde (DE), Steffi Stangl (DE), The Vision (DE), Alexander Zakharov (USA), Josef Zlamal (CZ)

Det er med stor glæde, at vi inviterer til fernisering på en længe ventet udstilling BERLIN CALLING. Berlin har gennem mange år været en magnet for kunstnere. Mange er flyttet til byen for at arbejde, netværke og udstille. Vi har mødt Uwe Goldenstein, som samarbejder med en lang række Berlin-baserede kunstnere, som meget gerne ser deres kunst præsenteret udenfor Berlin. Uwe har kurateret denne udstilling, som byder på alt fra klassisk maleri til foto, skulptur og installation.

12 kunstnere – 7 nationaliteter, som alle arbejder professionelt med kærligheden til kunst! Det bliver så godt – vi glæder os til at se jer.

Vi byder på et glas og lidt creme til øregangene.

Udstillingen varer til med lørdag 15. december 2018.

Vi ses!

Mange hilsner

Trine & Anne Marie

Berlin Calling Magnificent Artworks From The Berlin Art Scene Curated by Uwe Goldenstein, Owner and Founder of Galerie Selected Artists, Berlin.

Since 2010, gallery owner, curator and author Uwe Goldenstein (42) has shown his selection of Berlin-based and European artists in galleries, museums, institutions, and art fairs in Germany, Denmark, Turkey, Switzerland, Czech Republic, The Netherlands and Hungary. Before establishing SELECTED ARTISTS in 2010 the art historian Uwe Goldenstein worked as a researcher for the Rockefeller Foundation in New York and The Imperial War Museum in London. He has also worked as a lecturer, journalist, and author specialising in contemporary art.

The subtle works of the artists Uwe Goldenstein is presenting with his Berlin-based gallery & network Selected Artists come to oppose a purely affirmative present, which — akin to an artificial ecstasy — endlessly reproduces itself and, owing to an ahistorical, thoroughly digitalised structure, vehemently curtails or indeed eliminates time for reflection, contemplation and rest. In this context, these artists present a highly topical projection surface, a space for withdrawal and recollection, dedicated to slowness and contemplation, to weightlessness and secretive moments. It is particularly addressed to a younger generation, which — exactly like our artists — is driven by an urgent desire for withdrawal, and consciously seeks salvation in complexly layered, oftentimes surreal spaces, that offer an escape from a thoroughly rationalised, linear reality. A mild form of trance, a highly relevant parallel world, a quiet, subtle appeal to detachment and metaphysical flotation.

Galerie Parnasse’s dna er at præsentere dansk og udenlandsk samtidskunst på gruppe-/temaudstillinger.